NaBloPoMo Day 13: nothing

I have nothing to show for today. Well, I have a kitchen full of food (most of which has not been put away yet) but really not much else. I was busy, though! I walked with a friend, did a little yard duty during recess and worked in my older son’s classroom, did the aforementioned grocery run, picked the kids up from school and took them to the library and then drove to my husband’s office to pick him up so that we could eat dinner at the school restaurant fundraiser before sending the older son and husband off to Cub Scouts at which point I presided over my younger son’s bedtime, including his homework of reading two books to me.


So maybe you’ll forgive me for not knitting today? I was going to sit down a finish my picking up of stitches but I realized that the kitchen is a mess (not just the food that needs to be put away, there are dishes all over it too) and I’m supposed to test bake for Cookie tomorrow.

Also, I feel guilty for working on my sweater when I said I’d knit chemo caps. I think Shedir is next in one of the balls of Calmer leftover from my cowl. At least I am making a plan.