wet leaves and new yarn

It has been incredibly rainy here and for about a week my back patio and front walk were covered with wet leaves. They have been following everyone into the house. Usually our townhome complex’s gardener’s take care of the leaves but I guess they didn’t come because of the rain.

wet leaves

I got tired of them and cleaned up the back and front of the house. Leaves: 0; Me 1. So there.

I am also making progress on the baby sweater.

one front done

Knitting a wrap cardigan means that both fronts are almost the same size. It’s still super fast, though, because it’s a baby sweater in aran weight yarn! (Also I think it’s turning out to be very cute.)

Last but not least, my friend Jill gave me a gift certificate to The Loopy Ewe. As soon as I looked at their site, I knew I wanted to use it for Hand Maiden yarn. I settled on Swiss Silk: 100% silk laceweight.

Hand Maiden Swiss Silk

So pretty! Now, what should I make with it?