blocked ishbel

I blocked my Ishbel shawl (Ravlery project link) yesterday. It is lovely, as I expected. Even Stefan said he liked it.

all spread outmore like I'll actually wear ithi!

I'm unlikely to wear it all spread out like that first picture, but I wanted a picture of the blocked lace pattern.

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a weekend away and lots of wips

I have been neglectful of my blog but no one wants to read blog posts about how few blog posts there are, right? Right. So let's just pretend I'm not neglectful, deal? Thanks.

I went away this weekend with some of the BobaKnitters. We went to South Lake Tahoe and spent the weekend knitting, eating and watching movies. Oh, and drinking margaritas and/or wine. It was fun. There were some beautiful views to be seen, of course.

the view up the mountain from outside our hoteltahoethe view of the mountain from the lakeside

A bit of wildlife.

And lots of knitting and hanging out. All of my people photos were taken on my phone and are not so great. Sorry, guys.

To update you on what projects I've been doing since March, here's a run down of my current WIPs.

Pucker needs the ends woven in and to be washed before I decide if it's long enough or if it needs an edging at the hem. I didn't want to do the hem in the pattern so I'm at a loss.

By the way, after searching high and low and finding someone on Ravelry with a ball of yarn it turns out I had one more! It had fallen behind the sofa. So now I have an extra. I'm pretending this is amusing and not really irritating.

Next up is Bellambie, which also needs the ends woven in and to be washed. I want to split the plies and weave them into the stitches on both of these projects which makes end weaving even more tedious than it usually is. I'm a masochist.

Next is Ishbel, which I finished (according to the pattern) and then realized I was going to have way too much yarn left so I pulled out the bind off ripped back to add more lace repeats. I don't have much yarn left this time, I think it was a good choice. It clearly needs to be blocked.

Finally, the only WIP that I'm actually currently working on: Rill. It's a Norah Gaughan pattern from her Vol. 6 booklet. I bought enough Berrocco Seduce to make this or another sweater from WEBS at Stitches (thanks for the gift card, BobaKnitters!) and then my friend Pamela said she was going to knit it so I decided to knit it along with her. It's a big wide rectangle and it is s l o w going. I think it will be worth it in the end, though.

I love the colors in the yarn. The only problem right now is the edges. I'm not sure what is going on with them. I might wash and block this piece to see if they get settled in that process because otherwise, I might have to rip back (and cry).

As you might have noticed form the above picture, I am using my new (again) Signature circulars for this project. They sent me a replacement pair after the first broke. So far so good! Cross your fingers for me.

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