knitting angst

I have not had much success with my knitting recently. I finally got my act together to finish Liesl.

finished liesl

And I packed it up but it’s been sitting in the envelope, waiting. (Sorry, Christine!)

finished but not sent!

I am determined to make it to the post office today… that should solve that problem. But, there are more knitting problems going on.

Instead of finishing Liesl and sending it, I was working on my Dipped Infinity scarf and enjoying the soft yarn and how the colors were turning out…

looks great but...

But I kept looking at the ribbing and wishing I had used smaller needles and/or done garter stitch instead. So I decided to rip it back from the cast-on and fix that.

my bad plan

When I started ripping back I thought I had to pull each strand of yarn through each stitch because of the knitted on cast-on but then I got past the cast-on and realized that I had to do that for each stitch. UGH. might need to actually start the whole thing over. The thought is too annoying to contemplate.

So, I decided to knit something quick and easy and instantly gratifying so I used the rest of my Ty-Dy cotton for some mitts. The first one turned out great. I loved the color changes…

cold thumb

Then the second one was ALL one color. The color changes are a little too slow in this yarn, I guess. I ripped it out and reknit it using the blue part I had left and half of the one color mitt. The color change still isn’t as nice as it is in the first mitt but it’s not awful.

unfortunately stripeing

The thumb hole is a problem, though. I made it big because the cotton yarn was really pulling around my thumb but now it’s too big and I tried to knit a thumb on and it didn’t work. I think I’m going to just weave in the ends and call them done. Cheating? Maybe…

I finished knitting those and gave up on the thumb while visiting Kristi in Reno so I decided to cast on the other project I brought, the Yvaine Shawl.

Yvaine shawl

It looks nice so far but I had to cast on three or four times and ended up having to borrow needles form Kristi. It’s lovely yarn and I like the pattern but I’m not convinced that there will be enough yarn to make a shawl worth wearing. For now, I’m just knitting (and knitting).

Oh, and while I was visiting Reno we went to Jimmy Beans Wool and I bought some yarn, of course.

comfort sock

I talked myself out of buying a Namaste wallet, though, so one ball of sock yarn shows restraint!